Stefan Hobi
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Med. Vet. Dipl. ECVD and AiCVD
Dr. Hobi graduated from the University of Zurich, Switzerland in 2007. After two years in practice and a doctoral thesis about hypersensitivity disorders in cats, he completed a 15-month internship in a large small animal hospital in Switzerland. He then commenced a three-year residency in animal dermatology at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Germany. Stefan has taught and mentored in academia as well as lectured and provide CPD extensively. He has authored and published multiple articles and case reports in veterinary and human dermatology journals and is also a reviewer of the international Veterinary Dermatology journal. Dr Hobi is a passionate educator aiming to help general practitioners expand their understanding of dermatology and the range of treatment possibilities available in modern dermatology.